What should I wear to class?
Wear comfortable, athletic clothing such as a t-shirt and shorts or sweatpants. No zippers or jewelry that could scratch or injure you or your training partner. If you have a Gi (traditional Jiu-Jitsu uniform), bring it along.

Do I need any prior experience to start training?
No prior experience is necessary! Our classes are designed to accommodate all skill levels, from complete beginners to experienced practitioners.

Is Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu safe?
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is generally safe when practiced correctly and under the supervision of qualified instructors. We prioritise safety in all our classes and ensure that proper techniques are taught to prevent injuries.

How often should I train?
The frequency of training depends on your schedule and goals. We recommend starting with 2-3 classes per week to see progress, but ultimately, it’s up to you and your availability.

What are the benefits of training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu?
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu offers a wide range of benefits, including improved physical fitness, self-defense skills, stress relief, increased confidence, and a sense of community.

Do I need to compete in tournaments?
Competing in tournaments is optional. While some students enjoy the challenge of competition, others prefer to focus solely on their personal development and training.

Are there belt promotions?
Yes, we have a belt promotion system to recognise and reward students’ progress and dedication. Belt promotions are based on individual skill level and consistency in training.

What if I have an injury or physical limitation?
Please inform your instructor of any injuries or physical limitations before class. We can provide modifications or alternative exercises to accommodate your needs and ensure a safe training environment.

Is there a minimum age requirement to train?
We typically recommend children start training around 4-6 years old, but we also offer specialised kids’ classes. Adults of all ages are welcome to join our regular classes.

Can I try a class before committing?
Absolutely! We offer a free trial class for newcomers to experience our training environment and meet our instructors before making a commitment.